Common Spanish expressions: Essential phrases, sayings, and words you need to know

If you're learning Spanish, get ready to spice up your conversations! Knowing common Spanish expressions will make you sound more natural and confident 💪, whether you're chatting with locals, traveling 🛅, or just showing off your skills. In this post, we’ll explore essential phrases, fun sayings, the most used prepositions, and the top words in Spanish. ¡Vamos allá! 🚀

common spanish expressions

💬 What is the most common Spanish phrase? 

Ever wondered what common Spanish expressions you'll hear the most?? The go-to greeting in any Spanish-speaking country is 'Hola, ¿cómo estás?' (Hello, how are you?). Whether you’re meeting someone new or just starting your day, greetings set the tone for conversations. Below is a table with some common variations to help you sound like a pro:

Click on the 🔊 button to hear the pronunciation of each phrase.

Audio Spanish Phrase English Translation
¡Buenos días! 🌞 Good morning!
¡Buenas tardes! 🌆 Good afternoon!
¡Buenas noches! 🌙 Good night!
¿Qué tal? 😊 How's it going?
¿Cómo te va? 🤔 How's it going for you?
¡Mucho gusto! 🤝 Nice to meet you!
¿Qué pasa? 🤨 What's up?
¡Nos vemos pronto! 👋 See you soon!
¡Cuídate! ❤️ Take care!
¡Buena suerte! 🍀 Good luck!

💡Popular Spanish sayings 

Spanish is full of common Spanish expressions that bring conversations to life! From wisdom-filled proverbs to funny phrases, Spaniards love their sayings. These are not just words; they’re little windows into the culture! Here are some popular Spanish sayings and what they mean:

Click on the 🔊 button to hear the pronunciation of each saying.

Audio Spanish Saying English Translation
Más vale tarde que nunca. ⏳ Better late than never.
No hay mal que por bien no venga. ☁️✨ Every cloud has a silver lining.
A caballo regalado no le mires el diente. 🐴🎁 Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
El mundo es un pañuelo. 🌎 It's a small world.
Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente. 👀❤️ Out of sight, out of mind.
Más vale prevenir que curar. 🏥🚑 Better safe than sorry.
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. 🚶‍♂️🤔 Tell me who you walk with, and I'll tell you who you are.
Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente. 🦐🌊 A shrimp that falls asleep gets carried away by the current.
A mal tiempo, buena cara. 😊 Keep a good face in bad times.

📚 What are the 23 most common Spanish prepositions? 

Prepositions may not be the most exciting part of language learning, but trust me, you’ll use them in nearly every sentence! These small words connect ideas and give structure to conversations. Here’s a list of the 23 most common Spanish expressions in the form of prepositions to help you navigate the language like a native:

Spanish Prepositions and Their English Translations

ATo, at
AnteBefore, in front of
BajoUnder, below
CabeBeside, next to
DeOf, from
DesdeFrom, since
EnIn, on
EntreBetween, among
MedianteBy means of
ParaFor, in order to
PorBy, through
SegúnAccording to
SobreOn, about
TrasAfter, behind
VersusVersus, against
VíaVia, through

🏆 What are the 10 most common Spanish words? 

If you want to build a strong foundation in Spanish, start with the most commonly used words! These are the words you'll hear and use daily, so get comfortable with them. Here’s a quick list of the top 10 common Spanish expressions in the form of essential words and their meanings:

Click on the 🔊 button to hear the pronunciation of each word in Spanish.

Audio Spanish English
Casa 🏠 House
Agua 💧 Water
Tiempo ⏳☀️ Time, weather
Día 📅 Day
Gente 👫 People
Vida 💖 Life
Año 📆 Year
Cosa 📦 Thing
Mundo 🌍 World
Parte 🧩 Part


Learning Spanish is an adventure, and knowing common Spanish expressions will make your journey even more exciting!, sayings, and words will make your journey even more exciting. Whether you're impressing locals, acing a language test, or just enjoying a new skill, these phrases will give you confidence. 

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What is your favourite expression? Keep practicing and ¡Buena suerte! 🍀

hasta pronto spanish



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