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What are pronouns in Spanish? A beginner's guide

Written by Miriam Cabrejas | Jan 28, 2025 3:40:45 PM

Pronouns are a vital part of the Spanish language 🇪🇸. They allow you to replace nouns and make sentences flow naturally. In this article, we will explore the basics of pronouns in Spanish, their different types, and why they are essential for mastering Spanish grammar 💪. Whether you are a beginner or refreshing your skills, understanding pronouns is a crucial step towards fluency 🗣️.

What are pronouns?

Pronouns are words used to replace nouns 🔀 in a sentence. This helps to avoid repetition and makes communication clearer.

For example: María is a teacher. María loves her job. Instead, we say: María is a teacher. She loves her job.👩‍🏫

In Spanish: María es profesora. Ella ama su trabajo.

Here, ella (she) is the pronoun replacing María. Pronouns make language simpler and more efficient.

Types of pronouns in Spanish

In Spanish, pronouns are divided into several categories. Below is an overview of the main types:

  1. Personal Pronouns

    Words like yo (I), (you), él/ella (he/she).

    Example: Yo hablo español. (I speak Spanish) 🗣️

  2. Demonstrative Pronouns

    Words like este (this), ese (that), aquel (that one over there).

    Example: Este es mi libro. (This is my book) 📖

  3. Possessive Pronouns

    Words like mío (mine), tuyo (yours), suyo (his/hers).

    Example: El coche es mío. (The car is mine)🚗

  4. Relative Pronouns

    Words like que (that), quien (who), cuyo (whose).

    Example: El libro que leí es interesante. (Thebook that I read is interesting) 📗

  5. Interrogative and Exclamatory Pronouns

    Words like quién (who), qué (what), cuál (which).

    Example:¿Quién está allí? (Who is there?) 👤

  6. Indefinite Pronouns

    Words like algo (something), alguien (someone), nadie (no one).

    Example: Nadie vino a la fiesta. (No one came to the party)🎉

  7. Reflexive Pronouns

    Words like me, te, and se.

    Example:Ella se peina. (She brushes her hair) 💇

Personal pronouns in Spanish

Let us delve deeper into the first type of pronoun: personal pronouns.

What are personal pronouns?

Personal pronouns refer to specific people or things and are used to indicate the subject 🙋‍♀️ of a sentence. They are divided into singular and plural forms, and also vary depending on whether the pronoun refers to the first, second, or third person.

List of personal pronouns in Spanish

Singular 🙋‍♀️

Yo: I

: You (informal)

Él: He

Ella: She

Usted: You (formal)



Nosotros: We (masculine/mixed)

Nosotras: We (feminine)

Vosotros: You all (informal, masculine/mixed, used in Spain)

Vosotras: You all (informal, feminine, used in Spain)

Ellos: They (masculine/mixed)

Ellas: They (feminine)

Ustedes: You all (formal in Spain, universal in Latin America)

How to use personal pronouns

As the Subject of a Sentence
Personal pronouns clarify who is performing an action.

Example: Yo hablo inglés. (I speak English)

Nosotros estudiamos español. 📚(We study Spanish)

When They Are Optional
Spanish often omits personal pronouns because the verb conjugation already indicates the subject.

Example: Instead of saying Yo hablo español, you can simply say Hablo español 🗣️.

For Emphasis or Clarity
Pronouns are included when you want to emphasise or clarify the subject.

Example: Tú siempre haces un buen trabajo. 👍🏽 (You always do a good job)

Regional variations: Tú, vos, and usted

The use of personal pronouns varies slightly across Spanish-speaking regions:

In Spain, 'tú' is the standard informal 'you', while 'vosotros' is used for informal plural you.

In many Latin American countries, 'ustedes' replacess 'vosotros'.

In countries like Argentina and Uruguay, 'vos' is commonly used instead of 'tú'.

Understanding pronouns in Spanish is an essential part of learning the language. In this guide, we have introduced the basics of pronouns and taken a closer look at personal pronouns, their forms and their usage. By practising regularly, you will soon master the art of using pronouns naturally 👏🏻.

Let's practice ✍🏻: 

Ejercicio de Pronombres Personales

Rellena los espacios en blanco con el pronombre personal adecuado.

estudio español todos los días.

Correct answer: Yo

María es mi mejor amiga. vive cerca de mi casa.

Correct answer: Ella

Juan y Pedro son futbolistas. juegan en el mismo equipo.

Correct answer: Ellos

Tú y yo somos compañeros de clase. siempre trabajamos juntos.

Correct answer: Nosotros

¿ hablas inglés?

Correct answer: Tú

Señor López, ¿ puede repetir la pregunta, por favor?

Correct answer: Usted

Luis y yo estudiamos matemáticas. → estudiamos matemáticas.

Correct answer: Nosotros

Ana canta muy bien. → canta muy bien.

Correct answer: Ella

Los niños juegan en el parque. → juegan en el parque.

Correct answer: Ellos

Tú y Carla sois de Barcelona. → sois de Barcelona.

Correct answer: Vosotros

Mi madre y mi padre cocinan juntos los fines de semana. → cocinan juntos los fines de semana.

Correct answer: Ellos


Can you create your own sentence using  yo, él, or ella? Share it with us in the comments!👇🏻