5 ways to say 'I’m sorry' in Spanish

Knowing how to say 'I'm sorry' in Spanish is key to effective communication in Spanish-speaking environments. Apologies are essential for social interactions, and using the right words can make a big difference. This article explores five common ways to say 🗣️ 'I'm sorry' in Spanish for different situations, plus a bonus section on how to forgive someone 🙏.

Imagen - Post - 3 best ways-1

1. Perdón

'Perdón' is a versatile expression used to apologise. It acknowledges an offense and is suitable for both formal and informal settings. To say 'I'm sorry in Spanish' a simple 'perdón' works for all.

Example: Perdón por no poder venir.
(Sorry for not being able to come)

You can also conjugate the verb 'perdonar' in imperative tense:

🙏 Perdona (tú) - with friends and family 

🙏 Perdone (usted) - with strangers 

2. Lo siento

'Lo siento' is particularly useful when expressing deeper remorse, especially if you’ve caused emotional harm. If you wan to say 'I am very sorry in Spanish' you can say 'Lo siento mucho'.

Example: Lo siento mucho, pero no me casaré contigo.
I'm very sorry, but I won't marry you)

3. Disculpa

'Disculpa' is a casual way to say sorry and can also be used to politely ask someone to for something or to interrupt.

Example: Disculpa, ¿puedes traer otra copa?
(Excuse me, can you get another drink?)

4. Le / Te pido disculpas

This phrase is more formal and appropriate for situations where respect is essential. Use 'le' for a when you want to use 'I'm sorry' in Spanish in a formal tone (often when speaking to elders or in professional settings) and 'te' in informal situations.Disculpas

ExamplesLe pido disculpas por lo que pasó ayer.
(I apologise for what happened yesterday) - formal

Te pido disculpas, tendrá que ser otro día.
(I apologise; it will have to be another day) - informal

5. Con permiso

While not strictly an apology, 'con permiso' is often used to politely ask for permission to interrupt or pass by.

Example: Con permiso, necesito pasar.
(Excuse me, I need to pass)

Choosing the right expression depends on the context. For instance, while 'perdón' and 'lo siento' can often be used interchangeably, a more formal apology might call for 'le pido disculpas' to convey respect.


How to Forgive Someone in Spanish

Forgiving is an essential part of the apology process. Here are some ways to forgive someone in Spanish:

→No pasa nada 👍: This phrase is used to indicate that everything is okay and no grudges are held.

Example: No pasa nada, es una tontería. (It's okay; it's nothing)

Gracias 😍: When someone sincerely apologises, saying 'gracias' acknowledges their apology.

Example: Gracias por disculparte. (Thank you for apologising)

→Te perdono 😌: This phrase conveys forgiveness, suitable for when you feel hurt but are ready to move forward. No pasa nada

Example: Te perdono, pero que no vuelva a suceder.

(I forgive you, but don’t let it happen again)


Mastering how to say 'I'm sorry' in Spanish will improve your communication skills and strengthen your relationships. By using these phrases, you can show sincerity and respect in any interaction. Practising these expressions will help you not only apologise effectively but also foster stronger connections.

👇Ahora practica lo que has aprendido ✍👇 

Ejercicio de Expresiones para Disculparse en Español

Completa los espacios en blanco con las expresiones adecuadas para decir "lo siento" en español.

Cuando quieres expresar que todo está bien y no guardas rencor, puedes decir . (It's okay; it's nothing.)

Correct answer: No pasa nada

, ¿puedes traer otra copa? (Excuse me, can you get another drink?)

Correct answer: Disculpa

Después de que alguien se disculpa sinceramente, puedes responder con para agradecer la disculpa. (Thank you for apologizing.)

Correct answer: Gracias

disculpas por lo que pasó ayer. (formal) (I apologize for what happened yesterday.)

Correct answer: Le pido

Si deseas transmitir perdón, puedes decir , pero dejando claro que no debe suceder otra vez. (I forgive you, but don't let it happen again.)

Correct answer: Te perdono

mucho, pero no me casaré contigo. (I'm very sorry, but I won't marry you.)

Correct answer: Lo siento

, necesito pasar. (Excuse me, I need to pass.)

Correct answer: Con permiso

por no poder venir. (Sorry for not being able to come.)

Correct answer: Perdón

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